Night Time dryness, is completely different from day time pottying.
Night time, is about physiological, maturity of the brain/organs/bladder and myelination of the nerve sheath.
You cannot, speed this up, because it is a physiological, development.
Not per age.
Pull-ups, are useless for night. Because it does not hold much and it leaks.
Use Night time diapers.
I use Huggies.
Also get waterproof bed pads, to prevent the sheets from getting soiled.
I have 4 of them. That I rotate out as needed.
My kids are 5 and 9.
My son who is 5, still uses night time diapers for naps and night time.
Night time dryness, is not something that happens, until even 7 years old or later.
My Husband, was later, than that.
My daughter, at 5 was still wet at night and wore night time diapers.
Even at 7 years old she had night time accidents.
I just changed out the waterproof bed pad. And back to sleep.
Some kids sleep very deeply. They don't feel their bodily cues. It comes with organ and brain, maturity.
ALL of my daughter's Teachers, from Preschool to Kindergarten to 1st grade... ALL said unanimously, that kids these ages still have accidents and wear diapers at night. And it is normal. But the parent's are embarrassed to admit it to others. But, they will tell the Teacher.
My kids' Teachers, NEVER ever... say it is wrong. The child, can't help it. It is about biological, development.
My daughter, even had a dream once, that she WAS on the toilet. Until she felt herself wet. We thought it was funny.
Kids don't do it on purpose.
She was 7 at the time.
It is a physiological and biological... maturity of the organs.
You cannot make the organs, grow up. Faster.
Even our Pediatrician, said this is normal.
For my 5 year old son... he wears night time diapers. And I wake once a night to change him. Because, if not, the diaper gets overloaded and leaks. Not his fault. It is because... an older child has more urine output... than a baby. And they pee more in quantity. So with that in mind, I wake and change my son, and then that's it. He never wakes when I do this.
But still, my kids are 5 and 9... and I STILL use, DIRECTLY under them... the waterproof bed pads. Which I got 4 of them from Amazon.
My sheets, do not get soiled. Only the bed pad.
We never scold our kids, for pee accidents, at night.
I never withhold liquids at night for my kids.
They pee before going to bed.
Still, they pee at night.
No biggie.
It is their body.