The Book "Secrets of The Baby Whisperer-how to calm,connect,and communicate with your baby" by Tracy Hogg is GREAT! I recommend it very much.
Is he getting enough intake? THey go through growth spurts and their intake needs increases... and they may need to feed more and more frequently.
Don't load up on the water. For the first year of life... a baby's PRIMARY source of nutrition is breastmilk/formula.
Not all babies sleep through the night at this age. Sleeping through the night, for a baby, means sleeping for 6 hours straight. Many don't do that.
If he wakes up and is hungry, feed him. I don't really like the CIO method either. For my children, I fed/nursed them on demand, even if it meant waking up in the middle of the night, no matter how frequently. Each of my children had their own sleep patterns. For me, I believed in waking up if my baby woke up, and gaging the situation, feeding/nursing then when they needed. I didn't believe in with-holding a feeding if that is what they needed, just to get them to sleep and used to the fact that I would not respond to their needs. But that is just me... every Mom is different.
I know it's hard, and your husband can't sleep. My hubby had that same problem. But well.. baby won't know that. They are just going by instinct and developmental needs and changes. THey go through many phases which can alter and/or change their slumber. For us, I was the one getting up for our baby's... or Hubby would go sleep in the living room.
My son went through much the same pattern as your baby... he went to bed at 8:00, and around 11:00-12:00 he would wake... sometimes he would go back to sleep himself...but often it was because he was hungry and would gulp down a whole bottle or did a nursing in which I used BOTH breasts. As he got older...his wakings lessened and his self-sooting ability increased. You may have to wait until he's older... then he may get more regular.
There are lots of sleep problem/tips in other postings here. I would check it out. Lots of help on this subject.
Good luck,