babies need to be held. they were in the nice warm womb for 9 months, thats all they know. the first 3 months is sometimes called the 4th trimester because of the immaturity of the baby... they dont understand that they are even separate from mom!
im sure your baby will adjust to sleeping in her bed after a while. until then i recommend just using the sling as much as possible, or use a swing or other soothing baby seat. you could also have someone you trust come over and hold baby for a while when you really need to get something done. (or you can hold baby while they do something for you)
the first few months, and the first year, are VITAL to your relationship. how you react to your child during the first year will affect who they become, and how they react to different situations in life.
my son would accept no substitutes to sleeping with and near me at all times, no matter what, so that made for an very exhausting first few months. he still coslept with us continually until around 15 months old or so, then he would sleep in his bed until around 4 or 5 am, and then he wouldnt go back to sleep until he was in bed with us. it was the only way anyone would ever get any sleep after that, and i was desperate to do the things that would get us all the most sleep. in the big picture, its only for a VERY short period of time that they need you this much! you wont regret doing whatever it takes... and your baby will thank you by building the love and trust that babies need ! is a good resource for healthy attachment parenting. they also have many good books. check them out!