HI! I actually just went through this same situation with my 11 month old triplets. I agree with Maggie, and you should look at some of the sleep books and decide on a strategy that both you and your husband agree upon. I took a little from Weissbluth and what some of my friends had done and it has worked for me so far.
First, I would try and transition your daughter to her crib....if that doesn't work because some babies just don't like their cribs...try moving her pack-n-play into her own room.
I had a hard time taking away their night feedings as they were preemies and I felt like they needed the extra ounces. Like your little one, they never take more than 4 ounces at each feeding throughout the day. I began the process by reducing their night feedings to only two ounces. After a week or two of this, I eliminated their third feeding. I would still give them the bottle for their first and second feeding, but if they woke up for the third feeding I would just let them fuss it out. Before I was so worried that they would wake the other babies that I would rush in there. When I let them fuss, they would cry for about 5-10 minutes...more of just a whimper....and then would go back to sleep. After a few nights of eliminating the third feeding, I eliminated the second feeding, and then a few nights later, I eliminated the first feeding. This process took about 2-3 weeks, but I haven't had to let the girls cry for a long period of time....where I have friends who have said their child cried for 45min-2hours at a time. They did cry, however, but for no longer than 20 minutes. The few times they got really upset either my husband or I went in and soothed them and they went back to sleep. We didn't do it often as I didn't want them to get used to waking up and expecting us to come in and soothe them.
The most important thing is doing what is best for both you and your husband. Good luck.