First of all, if he did it once he's liable to do it again. Not to say that he will, but 90% of those that cheat on their spouses do it again, no matter who the new spouse is. If he isn't trying to work on your relationship by dedicating himself to you then you need to move on. I know it must be difficult and very lonely being a single mom but think what 5 years down the road would do to you and your children when he up and runs off with the neighbor's wife? I lived in a difficult marriage between my parents and I'm here to tell you, yes it was hard with just mom and me after she finally escaped, but we were both happier. Be smart and be safe, there are so many STDs out there in the world, I can't imagine having to tell my child I'm dying because daddy brought home a disease that is killing both of us. Sorry for being so frank.