Advice for Getting Rid of the Binky

Updated on January 26, 2007
A.M. asks from Leander, TX
18 answers

I have a 2 year old,and he is so attached to his pacifier. It seems like he is more attached now than ever. He used to only have it in his bed, and now he cries for it all the time. Does anyone have any advice on breaking him of his binky. I am so ready to say bye bye to it.

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answers from Amarillo on

My daughter was very attached to her binki.. I cut the tip off of the binki so whenever she wanted it I gave it to her but it would not work anymore. When she looked at me like why does this not work. I told her that she was a big girl and binki's stopped working when you were big. This worked for me ... but good luck it is a hard adjustment for all...



answers from Abilene on

I tried everything with my son when he was little. I did the cutting the tip off and all... he would still suck on it! We finally told him that the dog ate it and we couldn't get it back. He was so sad and would cry "Oh binky", but it did work. When I had my daghter he would snatch hers and sit in the corner and suck on it real fast until we took it away, but he always gave it back to sis... haha. We can laugh about it now, but it was a real hard time getting it away from him.

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answers from Austin on

I aligned my then two year old's (he is now three) plan to get the binky from him with his two year well check and told him that the doctor said he couldn't have it any more. He cried some at nap time but after a week he was over it. I was a little worried he might not like to go to the doctor because he would be afraid he "take" something else but after about a month he forgot all about it and we never had a problem. Also, I threw the all of his binkies away so I wouldn't give in to temptation.



answers from Odessa on

I think that the only way to get rid of anything with babies is to go cold turkey. The only problem that I really had was my mom, because she would say that I was being cruel, and would give all of it back...bottle, pacifier, and whatever else the baby wanted. Then, we would start back at day 1.



answers from San Antonio on

Well I will tell you we just broke my daughter of the paci about 2 months ago and I am loving it! She is now 2 1/2 and was like your child. Every day just got worse. More winning for it and all. My husband took it away cold turkey and she did suprisling well with it. When she would ask for it, we would do something else to distract her from thinking about it. Going to sleep without was a big issue before, but when we took it away, we made sure to cuddle with her and make sure she was dead tired. Seemed to help! If you have any other questions....let me know :)



answers from San Antonio on

Hi A.. Well, I don't have a total solution for you because my daughter still uses her for bedtime and naptime. But, one thing that I have found helpful is to have her put it in the crib instead of me taking it out of her mouth. I don't know, maybe it's just her personality, but she responds a lot better when she puts it in herself. So, when she wakes up in the morning, she puts the paci in her crib before she gets out and the same thing at nap time. That might at least help you with him not having it all day long.
Hope you figure it out.
- P.



answers from Austin on

I read an article once about breaking the binky habit. It suggested taking your child to build-a-bear and putting the binky in the animal. that way he/she can carry the animal instead of sucking the binky. i have not tried taking it from my daughter just yet, but i'll definitely give it a shot when i do.



answers from San Antonio on

My son was a 24/7 thumb sucker and at about 18 month it was already distorting his teeth. There is a product called "Thumb" Walgreens carrys it or you can get it at too (which is where I got it) It is for thumb suckers but you can paint it on anything, nails, binky etc. It goes on like a clear nail polish, just give it a couple coats and let it dry. He will not be asking for his binky anymore!



answers from Austin on

If "cold turkey" does not work, then I would recommend making the binky unpleasant by snipping the end off and totally removing all the other binkys in the house. (I recall finding them in the strangest places) I remember that with our first child, we "threw" it out the window. He was able to deal with the fact it was gone. If tossing it seems too traumatic, then time it with a Dr appt and state that "Dr says no more binky". Give him a diversion with a stuffed animal or blankie to use instead. Good Luck!!



answers from Austin on

Cold turkey. That's the way I did it. Just toss them away and never look back. He'll be extremely irritable and miserable for a day or two, but eventually, he won't remember he was so attached to it in the first place. Just let him know he's a big boy now and he doesn't need it anymore. Good luck with that!



answers from Austin on

my son is almost 3 and he gave his up when he was about a yr old. The easiest things to take away from the kids are the material ones. It usually only takes about a week for them to adjust! He had a little trouble going to sleep but literally after a week he basically forgot all about it! I dont know if breastfed and bottlefed makes a difference but my son was both?? Wait tilhe potty trains-- that one is impossible for my son b/c its his choice i guess?
Good luck :)



answers from Abilene on

Do what works for you and your boy! My son never took a pacifier, but when he went from bottle to sippie cup he refused to give it up. We started the cup around 9 months.He took his cup everywhere! We weren't able to leave the house without him asking for it! I know there is a huge difference between a sippie cup and a pacifier. It is always hard to take things away from your kids, I had to convince him he was a BIG BOY and we used big boy cups. It was harder at night because he always went to bed with an empty cup. His cup was his pacifier. Everyday we would throw one cup away until they were all gone. I kept one just in case and thankfully I never had to use it. Also, everyday he went without his cup he got a reward and a sticker to put on his calender. He loved the calender thing and putting a sticker on it everyday. We totally stopped with the sippie cup at about 2 1/2. And he will tell you that hes a big boy! Good luck!!



answers from Odessa on

It sounds bad but just take it and get rid of it. Talk to him and let him know he is a big boy and big boys dont need those. When you take it away dont give in to his asking for it. dont throw it away right away . Keep it hidden away in case he gets to upset , he is going to be very upset. it will take about two nights to get over the whole thing. and it should get better as the days go by. try to replace it with aplush toy.



answers from Austin on

My daughter was a little over 2 when she was broke from her binky. I slowly started weening her off her binky. I would let her have it only when it was bed time/nap time. Then I would take it away at nap then at bed time. You can let him have it at certain times only during the day, but not all day and don't try to get him to quit "Cold Turkey" that will make you crazy just as much as him. I hope this helps!! Good Luck!!!



answers from Austin on

All of my children gave up their binkies willingly but w/ my youngest we had a difficult time getting him off the bottle. I took all the bottles and put them in a box. I told him that we were giving them to a new baby at church. I explained that the new baby needed them more than him since he's a big boy. A friend of mine did the same w/ her son and his binkie and it also worked for her. She got down to one binkie and then let him ive it to a baby.
Another friend cut the tips off of all her daughter's binkies and told her that they were broken. For her older daughter she took her to the dentist and had the dentist tell her that it was bad for her teeth and she gave it up.
Good Luck!



answers from Lubbock on

Hi! I am D. and I had the same problem with my son. He was about 19 months old when he lost his last passie. I just quit buying them and let him cry it out. He is 3 years old and I just got rid of his sippy cup at night. I just quit giving it to him. He cried but he also went to sleep a couple of mins later. He's still young enogh to brake him. Give him a stuffed animal or blankie he can have in place of it. Make sure he understands what you are doing too. Maybe just give it to him at night, then when he finally quits asking for it get rid of it. My son lost his at church and I just told him that was it, he couldn't have it anymore and that I was going to buy another one. I didn't either. Well good luck cause I know hard it is!



answers from Odessa on

I went through the same thing with my son! It was so hard for me to see him with it that long because I always said I wouldn't be one of those mom's who's kid walked around with a binky after they were 1. About a month or 2 before his 2nd birthday, I finally just 'lost' it. I thought i'd left it at home when we went to grandma's to help pack up (she was moving) and when he asked for it, I had to tell him I didn't have one. Poor baby had a fit. We spent most of the day with me holding him for comfort. It was the hardest day of my life. Come to find out when I dug in my pocket for my keys, there was his binky :x I felt awful, but figured if we'd gotten through that one day, we could get through the next few until he forgot about it. He never looked back! Sooo, you could just lose it that way and see if he can forget it.
Another way I've heard of doing it, is pick a special day, and tell him that on this day, we have to say good bye to your binky. Then make a big deal out of him being a big boy, and that big boy's don't use binkys. have him put them in a ziplock baggie, and take them to the trash (just in case you cave later and he needs it, they will still be clean)
you could also try and see if he'd be willing to 'share' his binkies with another baby that dosen't have any. Let him put them in an envelope to mail to someone special, (just thought of this.. see if he'd send them to santa *if you do that*.. to show him how big of a boy he is...) That way he'd be able to say goodbye to the binkies and share them with someone else.. Not that I'm saying actually mail them, but you get my drift, right? Well, I guess I've rambeled on enough, I sure hope this will help you with a few ideas. Good luck! I pray he gives it up easily and never looks back!



answers from McAllen on

WOW!! I have an 18 month old wiht the same problem!! Good luck! I'm very interested to read the responses.

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