My twins are now 11 and my son is 15. Ge them on a synchronized schedule first. I did that by the 2ndo r 3rd day home with them. When one wakes up, change that baby, then wake the other one. Within a few days they will be on the same schedule.
I agree about having all of your night time tings ready before you go to bed. The first few months you will be tired. Ask for help so you can sleep. We had a nanny ( I foolishly thought I was super mom and could work full time with 3 kids under 5!- that didn't last long.) Anyway I am a morning person, so I would take the 2AM - 10AM shift (before I went back to work) with colicing twins (for 7 weeks) and would feed every 2 hours on the clock and around the clock. My nanny would take the next 8 hours more or less, or help around the house, and my husband would do the feedings from 6PM - 2AM for the first couple of months.
Also, make freezer food. You'll need the sustenance. Even if you can't afford to hire help, find help......friends, church, a mother's helper (young babysitters 12 years old, maybe, for the older ones) anyone you trust in your home. Believe it or not, your 5 year can help, too, but don't make that child do too much or they will resent the babies. I have the cutest photo of my son feeding his sisters, who were head to head on the couch and my son had a bottle in each hand and a big smile on his face. My son was 4 at the time.
Absolutely join a twins club. The moral support is great and you can actually get out with your brood. People with singletons have no clue how challenging it is to keep them all together, well behaved and clean for an outing. ;-)
If you use formula, make it up by the pitcher full and keep those bottles ready. If you use the playtex type, heat them in warm water, not the micro-wave. NOW! they say that the plastics melt into the milk at a molecular level from the microwave.......wish I had known that back then.
You can do this. Just get help. Oh! and be sure to take lots of photos no matter how tired you are. They will grow like little weeds. I looked at my 11 year olds last night in their skates doing fancy tricks on the driveway, chattering away and was remembering how they were just swimming in newborn diapers when we brought those sweet bundles of joy home.
Try not to over analyze it. Just sink into this blessing. The house and all else will be there when you get your new family size equilibrium back. Good luck!