I delivered my third at Akron City a year ago. I had delivered my first two at Wadsworth-Rittman a very small, community place and had had wonderful experiences. I was able to labor how ever I wanted - I was in charge of things. I was worried that when I went to a huge place like City, that would change. I had no need to worry! The nurses at City were awesome. They let me decide how I wanted things to go. They would offer suggestions, but didn't push their opinions on me. I could walk, use the ball, rock, use a tub, whatever I wanted to do. They didn't try to get me to use drugs. They actually encouraged me to go without them since that's what I wanted. I felt very comfortable and had a great delivery!
I have one piece of advice to give you no matter where you go. Since these are both big hospitals, there will be all kinds of medical students and residents there. If you don't tell the nurse otherwise, you'll have people in and out of your room all the time, making for a hectic feel. To have as much calm as possible, make sure you tell your nurse that you want only to see your midwife and your nurse. Obviously, if issues arise, you may not have a choice. I told my nurse this and had a peaceful, quiet birth with only my husband, the doc, and 1 nurse in the room.
Good luck as you pick and congratulations.