If he's teething he's likely in pain, and lying down makes his mouth throb. Standing up relieves the pain, at least a bit, so that's part of the problem. Give him some Motrin (it lasts for 8 hours; Tylenol only 4) or Tylenol (actually we use the store brand and for some reason it seems that CVS works better than Publix, or maybe I got a lemon bottle) about half an hour before bed and that should help.
Also, at about this age my son's nap schedule changed, and instead of being ready for a nap at 10 am he started going down at 11 am. So you can consider that too. Now he's 13 months and shifting again, I think perhaps he's shifting to one nap instead of two naps. So this could also be going on.
Although my daughter loved to be rocked and held to sleep, my son will not sleep in those conditions. He must be alone. So we have to let him cry it out, and what I do is have a timer. Every 20 minutes I check on him to make sure he's got Nona, his leg isn't stuck in the crib, he's not wet, etc. I pick 20 minutes because it's what I can stand; it's arbitrary. Pick your time and use a timer; it really helps me be calm about it and not fret.
Massage also really does help my son calm down. I have to give him at least 20 minutes of alone in the crib time even after our quiet read books and sing songs night routine (I have a 3.5 year old daughter) to let him wind down. He's just wailing, he's not hysterical. If he does get screechy hysterical, I go in. But the deal is that for him, I have to let him cry for 20 minutes at least before massage will calm him down instead of stimulate him. But massage is wonderful for getting him to drift off if timed right. It really does work for him, and massaging their neck and jaw is particularly helpful during teething.
Good luck!