Just a thought.
An overwhelming amount of the time, eczema is caused by a food allergy. Although treating topically with a steroid or some other cream may help, it is only treating symptoms and does not affect the cause of the eczema at all.
Dairy is the #1 cause (followed by yeast and gluten). However, it can take up to 30 days for dairy to completely get out of the body's systems. I would suggest eliminating all dairy from his diet for 30dys and see if it clears up.
Also, seeing a homeopathic-minded MD might help. Some are more willing to explore the reasons, while others just write an Rx for topical steroid to relieve itching, etc.
Just a thought.
Last fall we started a food elimination diet to discover the cause(s) of my dd's frequent headaches. We eliminated all dairy, corn and artificial food dyes -- both obvious and 'hidden'. If you'd like a list of all the hidden/obvious dairy ingredients, just email me (though you could probably find them on the net).
K., mama to
Catherine, 4yrs
Samuel, 14mos