I love to know there are more people like me out there! I have two 3 year olds, a 2 year old and a 10 month old (and we'll probably have more or adopt more in the future).
HMMMM...stuff we like to do...
Ring around the Rosie is always a favorite. Along with that, they like to make "trains" and follow me around the house. We like Candy Land Shapes (kind of like Bingo...they fill up their card with different shapes that come out on their turn when they pull a lever). Open ended toys: blocks, puzzles, legos, play kitchen, play workshop, balls, dress up etc. Routine is absolutely important....I am starting to think my kids view their days in terms of when they eat :-D. We try to play outside EVERY day to get some energy out. We got a quad stroller so I can take the kids to the mall play area by myself or take them on walks. My kids love music so we sing and dance every day as well. Any songs that have movement are fun for them (Ants Go Marching, 5 Little Ducks, Going on a Bear Hunt, etc.). We have story time every day also. I keep separate "Mommy Books" that are kid books that they can't play with all of the time and we use those for story time. They each get to choose a "mommy book" and when its time for their book to be read, they get to sit on my lap and the others crowd around the other way.
For me, the days that are best with my kids are the days that I am focused and have activities planned for them. As I'm sure is the case with everyone else with small children, the days when I want to talk on the phone or do something "by myself" are the days they gang up on me :-D. I have also found that if I need to do something (like make lunch), finding ways for them to "help" (even if it takes planning on my part) always makes them happy and allows me to get more done. They like to sit in their high chairs while I make lunch and dinner and I give them age appropriate things to "help" me with. For example, the older kids can pluck grapes and wash them, my 10 month old likes to bang spoons.:-D
We work on sharing and taking turns ALL the time. We talk about how to be helpers to each other not just mommy. I praise them often for the good things they do to help each other. If they hurt each other, after their discipline, they have to "make it right" by telling the person to their face they are sorry and following it up with a hug. We also work on talking in "bid kid" voices. I won't respond to them if they whine at me except to say that they need to try again.
WOW...I could go on and on. I love playing with my kids. It is nice to know though that if I can't play with them, they can play with each other and entertain themselves for a little while. Having a larger family is a blessing!