Anyone Ever Have Hives?

Updated on June 03, 2012
M.F. asks from Elcho, WI
12 answers

My whole body is itching like crazy, even 'down there.' I haven't ate or drank anything new recently, and the only new thing I've tried is a homemade sample of soap I got from a craft sale. I took a bath with the sample Saturday night and have been itching since. If it is hives, will it go away by itself or do I need a prescription? Please any advice would be appreciated as I am going crazy with all unbearable itchiness.

Edit: I went to Target and got the Benedryl and now two hours later I am feeling relief. Thanks everyone!

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answers from Pittsburgh on

Take some Benedryl. If you are having an allergic reaction, often manifested as hives, it will help with the itching. And if it is hives, the Benedryl should make them go away after a dose or two, as long as you discontinue contact with whatever caused the hives. If you used a soap that you think might be the culprit, then take another shower to wash off any residue left by the soap.

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answers from Lynchburg on

Hi c 1 -

Your hive story brought to mind an experience I had in college days...

My parents were stationed in england at the time...and I had gotten some soap when we were in spain. When I tossed it in undie drawer at school as a sachet...I forgot all about it. Several weeks later, when in a laundry crisis, I guess I was reaching to botton of drawer...I broke out in a mysterious rash, but only on breast area...and pantie area. As I was also doing some 'sexual experimentation'...and was convinced that it was an std!

Was SO relieved it was just the soap.

Hope it is as simple for you!
Take Care

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Seattle on

Take some benedryl.



answers from Austin on

Zertec is the best for hives and it is now OTC. If that doesn't help then you might want to see the doctor for a prescription although the one time I had severe hives (lasted for almost a month) nothing helped - not even a steriod shot. Come to find out it was all because of some fancy grapes I gorged myself on for an entire week. I only know this because after my hives finally went away, a week later I had more of those crazy grapes and my hives came back! I haven't had those grapes since and now I have normal flare ups from usual allergies and I use zertec for those. Good Luck!



answers from Minneapolis on

I found out I was allergic to bee stings last year when I broke out in hives all over. Even my head itched. I took benadryl right away and it helped but I still had to go to the Dr since my throat was closing up. But after the Dr he told me to keep taking benadryl for a week.



answers from Anchorage on

Take an allergy pill, it can help. I get hives all the time, if I use soap or bubble bath with citric in it, if I eat too many strawberries, and when I am pregnant I can not eat clams. It does go away on its own as long as you have stopped contact with the cause, in the case almost for surely the soap. Check the ingredients so you know what to avoid in the future.


answers from Dallas on

I've broken out in hives from meds before and took benedryl and it worked. Then, when my daughter was born, I broke out for like a week. NO idea why. I hated taking the benedryl b/c it made me even more sleepy than normal having a newborn, but I took it anyway and they cleared up. If that doesn't cover it then I'd call your doc.



answers from New York on

you might need a shot... my daughter had this for a few months.. it would happen on and off... she had a high fever.. and then the hives... she would have to get a cortizone shot.. and be fine within 1 hour.. it happened a few times after that... we would get the shot.. and she would take benedryl.. good luck


you might need a shot... my daughter had this for a few months.. it would happen on and off... she had a high fever.. and then the hives... she would have to get a cortizone shot.. and be fine within 1 hour.. it happened a few times after that... we would get the shot.. and she would take benedryl.. good luck



answers from Las Vegas on

hives tend to need to run their course and could clear up in a day to MANY days if not weeks.. depending upon the severity.... Also.. best thing you can begin to do IF in fact they are hives, drink TONs of water... From my experience this does help.. also, take a Zyrtec, although I don't like to take meds, at times, until the condition is under control, sometimes you might need to do as such. Also, don't take a hot bath/shower as heat can make hives worse... you might have noticed the itching gets worse at night... yes, because once we are under the covers and our bodyheat goes up a bit, then the hives can begin to itch like crazy... of course. if it is that soap, toss it out and thoroughly clean the tub so there is no residual soap.....
best of luck



answers from Minneapolis on




answers from San Francisco on

I am a very healthy 51 year old woman who has never been allergic to anything in my life. Last Monday in the middle of the night I woke up with severe itching, hives with welts all over my body. I stayed up for hours and itched until my husband woke up, he went to buy be Benedryl. I took two which should have knocked me out for a week but they didn't phase me, no sleep. Tuesday, still have hives and welts all over, itching, can't sleep, Benedryl is not helping. Tuesday night 9pm went to the ER since hives were not going away, itching horrible and no sleep in sight. The ER gave me a shot of Prendisone and had some relief about 45 min. after. Still, Tuesday night up all night itching, no sleep. Wednesday, hives and itching up all night no sleep, now I'm crying, my body is cold and shakey and I am weak with flu like pain. Thursday morning my face blows up like a ballon, called the DR. at 9am and went in at 10:15am. percribed 60mg. of Predinsone for three days, 40 mg. for three days then 20mg for three days. Gave me Rx for anti-itch & sleep. Thursday night, slept for a few hours and woke up itching everywhere!! Friday, went in to see a Dermetologist, face, feet, ankles and face still a little swollen. Biopsy took, stronger Rx for another anti-itch and sleep pill. The pharmacist and Dermotolgist said two of these pills will knock anyone out. Took two and nothing!! Nothing is putting me to sleep!!! Saturday night finally was able to sleep for a few hours, itching is limited getting better. Sunday morning woke up feeling much better. No hives, no itching excepet for a few spots but all bruised up, a little shaky and feel like I'm recovering from major surgery. I'm pretty weak and a bit tired but overall feeling much better. Anyone been here with me?????? What a hell of a week!!!



answers from Phoenix on

Colloidal silver helped me even better than Benedryl when I was allergic to medicine. I itched from head to toe for about 5 days and a little bit of colloidal silver helped. Good luck!!

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