Hi R.,
I have not read the book, so I may be speaking out of turn, however, I currently am enrolled in an anatomy and physiology class and know that after anyone eats, your body needs to divert energy, so to speak, to digest. Most people do slow down after eating, you are supposed to!
Your baby is 4.5 months old for heavens sake, he will eat when he is hungry, on HIS schedule- that his body needs. He will gradually, with your assistance develop a schedule for sleeping and eating.
It does not matter if he eats upon waking or before sleeping, in my experience. Childhood obesity, in my opinion, is not caused by WHEN you feed your baby, but by the lack of physical activity kids get and the fact that parents give their kids a diet that is mainly if not entirely processed foods full of high fructose corn syrup, white sugar and flour, sugar alcohols, artificial sweeteners, trans fats, and chemicals. They eat very little real actual food that hasn't been processed or chemically altered/enhanced.
He gets awake and cries until you give him a bottle at night because he is hungry! My mom told me: read a lot of books with all different and opposing theories, learn all you can, keep it in mind, but take it all with a grain of salt and then toss out the books and just be a mom .... you KNOW in your heart how to best take care of your baby. Relax and enjoy this time, it goes so fast and you can't get it back!