No the hotel was not being cheap and it is not the economy either.
A lot of hotels cater to the business traveler. Some have freebie breakfasts but most do not. We are frequent travelers and the only free breakfasts I've seen are at some of the Hilton family hotels. I don't book a hotel based on freebies.
I manage all travel plans for our business and personal. I never, ever, go through discounters because you truly do not know what you are going to get. It sounds like you landed a great place for a very low price.
When you book directly though a hotel website, it will tell you exactly what is available as far as amenities, foods, fridge in room, etc. and what is nearby so you know what to expect.
Marriotts are good hotels....I've been in the top notch Marriott as well as a mid level Marriott. Your description sounds like you had a very nice hotel.
Keep in mind in the future, if you want a fridge in the room, breakfast, etc...include that on any search feature so you will get it if you choose to book via a route other than a true hotel website. Sometimes the hotel direct websites have better deals than any discounter out there. You just have to know where to look.
FYI, if you really need a fridge, picj up a cheap ice chest and keep what you need in your room. We do that, especially with adult beverages and water. At the end when you are ready to check out, just leave the ice chest and remaining things in the room if you cannot take it with you. We usually give it to the housekeeping service.
Best wishes for a better experience next time.