I have MANY friends, with 3 boys.
The 3rd try, was for a girl.
But they all had another, boy.
They are happy but sure, they wished for a girl.
One of my friends, adores her boys so much.... they are all different from each other. But I have a daughter, and she always says how lucky I am. Don't get me wrong, she really loves her boys, but she longed for a girl. But now, 3 kids are enough for them.
Don't know if those hankerings for the opposite gender goes away.
But just know that you are not the only one.
BUT, I really warn you NOT to get or remain.... "angry" or "resentful" of your children. Because, anger and resentment, is TOXIC. AND you do NOT want your boys growing up thinking that Mommy does not love them as much as she would a girl.
Kids... CAN feel the "vibes" of their Mommy.
No matter what age.
And you can do things with your boys, that you would do with a girl.
Not that you are treating them like a "girl"...but you can teach them how to cook, how to do crafts, how to treat a girl, etc.
I have a son. And I teach him these things. And he is very boyish but yet, very aware of "girls" and because I teach him that girl or boy, they can do anything. Too.
Your imagination... is your worst enemy.
Of what you "think" having a girl is like.
I have both, and never.... do I treat them differently. Nor favor one or the other gender.
I grew up in a house of girls. My Mom and a sister of mine.... HATED each other. Oil and water. They did NOT have, that "imagined" Mother/Daughter relationship. At all. And they still don't.
So, it is not all peachy.
It is what YOU, make of it and WITH your child.
The only way, your hankerings for a girl will go way... is if YOU... do it. And by no means, never ever.... say you WISHED for a girl instead... to any of your sons.
It is hurtful, to them.
At least you are venting here and admit your feelings.
But then, at some point, you need to overcome it.