Autism, Sensory Seeking and "Compression Shirts"

Updated on April 30, 2015
P.G. asks from San Antonio, TX
5 answers

Hi All,

I wanted to share this resource with moms of kids on the spectrum - does anyone have a kiddo that likes/needs compression shirts - the tight, hugging lycra kind?

I've seen them on "sensory" websites for $20 - and FOUND THEM at Academy Sports for $9.99.

I have nothing to do with the store at all - just found them for my kiddo at such a major savings that I wanted to get the info out there.

Sporting goods stores carry them in all sizes, and many colors, so if you need them, put "compression shirt" in the search for your sporting goods store website.

Hope that helps!

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So What Happened?

ADD - OH - and here's a link to a pattern if you like to sew - for a weighted blanket. My sis made it for my son and it works :)

More Answers


answers from Columbia on

Dogs also like this sensation when they're scared. :-) Check this out. Maybe dogs are on the spectrum. I know mine is.

3 moms found this helpful


answers from Boston on

Interesting. I hadn't seen these for kids but I've seen a compression vest recommended for pets with anxiety! It's supposed to make them feel "hugged" and less alone, I think. So it makes sense that it would work for kids. Great resource. And I like that people can make their own if they want - if a child has a favorite color or an issue with textures, this offers a lot of flexibility and personalization.

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answers from Oklahoma City on

We had our guy wear underarmour under his shirts and the worked well.

I found a vest at a local thrift store and I put wrist and leg weights in the pockets and inside the seams. It worked well when he needed to sit down and do table activities. If he didn't want to wear it that day they had an extra backpack and they'd put a few books in it and it would pretty much do the same thing as a compression shirt or a weighted vest.

Finding good deals on things you need isn't a bad idea, thanks for sharing.

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Miami on

They didn't have these when my son could have used it! I hope that someone of the moms with kids who have sensory issues consider getting one!


answers from Austin on

Cool, Thank you for sharing. I was speaking with a young mom a few weeks ago about this. I will share this info..

FYI, these Weighted Blankets are also great for Children, even adults on the spectrum.

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