This is a perfect age to start a routine--especially since you don't want her to have to rely on you to go to sleep. Both of my kids have been on a sleep routine since they were 6 and 8 weeks old, mostly because that's when I went back to work and we were forced to have a routine. I don't bathe my kids nightly, either, because they both have dry skin (even with slathering them in aveeno lotion), so most nights the routine for my 5-1/2 month old is that once we get home from work/daycare I feed him his dinner (cereal and a vegetable...don't know if your baby is starting solids yet), then he plays in his high chair while we finish up our dinner with our older son. Afterwards, we play a little or snuggle a little (if he's cranky), and watch my older son play. Around 8pm one of us puts our older son to bed while the other parent changes the baby and gets him into his jammies. Usually around 8:30pm or so, I nurse him and then lay him in his crib around 9pm, even if he still seems awake. I turn on his lullabye cd, give him his kisses, and make sure he's got a corner of his lovey blanket next to his cheek. He might chirp or fuss in his bed a few minutes, but is usually asleep within 10 minutes. If not, then those are the nights that I will snuggle him a bit longer and maybe sit in the rocking chair with him to get him calmed down...but unless he's really upset, I don't sit in the rocking chair more than 10 or 15 minutes and still try to lay him back down when he's calmed down (and not necessarily asleep). He will still get up in the middle of the night once in a while, but that usually only when he's got a cold and not resting well.
On bath nights, we just cut after-dinner playtime a little shorter and I might nurse him a few minutes later.
A 9pm bedtime seems pretty common for babies this age, and I think holding your baby until she dozes off, even as late as 1am might be allowing her to get into a bad habit. Plus, you want her to not only be able to sleep on her own, but also get to bed at a good time so that you can finish up a few things of your own at the end of the day and get to bed at a decent hour.
Also, while we let our older son occasionally "cry it out", that wasn't until he was about a year old and knew he could manipulate us. I seem to remember even Dr. Ferber said you need to wait until they are about that age before allowing them to cry. The baby only fusses/moans a little...usually a minute or two, before settling down. If he's flat-out crying, we go get him.
I hope that helps! Good luck!