Who's changing the sheets and cleaning up the mess? If it's you, you might want to make it her problem and not yours by allowing her to change them and clean up. She might not enjoy the attention as much if she has to deal with her own consequences. Also could be a good time to learn to do her own laundry associated with the bed wetting.
If you are sticking to your evening routine and spending quality time with her and reading and doing all those fun bed time activities, then she doesn't need you to stay up with her all night. Remember to take care of yourself too and be a good model about that to her. She can be in her room awake and doesn't have to sleep, but just let her know clearly and lovingly that once you have put her to bed, she is expected to stay in there unless it is an emergency. No pressure for her to fall asleep, but you definitely need yours. Give her a kiss and stick to your guns. She is in control of the situation by constantly "checking on you" and I am sensing that you would like to be control instead. She will eventually fall asleep. It might not be in her bed but somewhere in her bedroom during the night. She might have a few nights of not sleeping well, but she will eventually figure it out for herself that sleep is a good thing and something we all need. She can be in her room, read her books, listen to music, whatever, just not up bothering you while you are trying to get your sleep. Your house is a safe place and nothing is going to happen to her in her room, while you are asleep in yours.
Good luck and good rest to you!