Check with your local stores...Find out THEIR policys. (how many double per item etc)
Our local krogers DOUBLES coupons including $1.- . Some don't.
Meijers usually doubles UPTO .50...
Walmart doesn't double anything but they do MATCH advertized prices. (Even local mom and pop stores, gas station stores, pharmacys etc.)If Walgreens is advertizing Milk at $1.79 a gal you can get that price at walmart by showing them the ad and getting the equivalent (store brand for store brand or same name brand and size) They don't do BOGO's and the price has to be listed on the flier...
Our Local VG's just recently started doubling coupons including $1.-.
Get the sunday paper and go thru the ads. If there are good ones spend the few dollars and buy a couple more papers.
Look at businesses you use. (dentists usually have coupons for toothbrushes that have no expiration.I got a whole stack of $1.- off 2 oral B toothbrushes and used them when Krogers had them on sale for $10.- for 10... So with doubling for every 2 toothbrushes I was getting I was paying nothing for them.)
I don't use the websites.
The stores usually stipulate that the coupon be scannable or they will not accept it. If your printer is running low they may not scan. That can throw a HUGE crimp on your grocery trip if most of your coupons don't scan...
Don't waste your time on the store bought organizers...Make your own.
I have an empty baby wipes container that I have envelopes in. Each envelope is a catergory. The specific products have their own. (Breakfast is split into General Mills, Post, Kelloggs, Quaker) It makes it easier to find your coupons without having to go thru ALL your coupons in that catergory.
Also, are you a licensed provider? If so are you enrolled with a food program? I am enrolled with Grand Rapids Urban League. (Yes, they have people based in this area) They reimburse you a portion of the cost of meals for the daycare kids and also depending on YOUR house holds income you may be able to claim some of YOUR children for certain meals.