wow. the problem is that if you end up being an "ex" you know what to expect if you share custody of a child together.
gee, it's tricky to advise. eventually their anger will be focused or even indirectly affect you. when she ticks him off good you are there to have to fan out the fire. could you live with this for the rest of your life? would you be willing to have your son deal with such explosive lifestyle, not knowing what to expect when he gets home from school every day? (i'm just throwing real scenarios that may happen down the line just to give you food for thought, i don't know what level of commitment you have to one another or how much you are willing to sacrifice and invest in a relationship that can be so volatile due to circumstances you can't either ignore, be a part of, or fix) ultimately the decision you take will affect yours and your son's future, but as far as what you can do fix this...? absolutely nothing. and since they share children...it will be like this forever and ever amen. the bond of parenting can't be broken. i wish you wisdom to think it all through and make a decision that you're not blinded to but rather one that is made with all the cards on the table.