If you have a bike shop in your area, I would suggest going there. I took my daughter to a local bike shop (Ypsilanti) when she was 4 and they were very helpful. Plus, the helmet wasn't much more than at Target.
I was wondering if anybody knows a good place I could go too, where they will help me get a helmet for my 4yr old. I went to the store and tried them on, but I dont know how it's supposed to fit. I am in Livonia, and I need one by Friday.
Thanks for all the replies.
If you have a bike shop in your area, I would suggest going there. I took my daughter to a local bike shop (Ypsilanti) when she was 4 and they were very helpful. Plus, the helmet wasn't much more than at Target.
Hi if you have a REI store near you they helped us a lot and told us all about them. Although any store that specializes in selling bikes or skates should be of help. They tend to be a little more expensive but the service makes it worth it.
Good Luck and God Bless
We got ours at a Trek bike store. You should be able to get one at any bike shop. Look for a place where they sell and repair bikes and their client base are people that take cycling seriously. You'll get a quality helmet and the staff will know how a helmet should fit - how you should put it on your child and how to adjust all of the straps properly.
Dunhams might be a good place to start
We had my 2 1/2 year old fitted at REI. They were great there. The one off of 6 mile and Haggerty