Hello there. I had a paraguard inserted in nov. 05 removed dec. 08 for the simple reason that I asked my doctor if there was a problem with it as I was fine with it for about a year and a half I loveeed it then out of nowhere my period got so heavy I would fill a super plus tampon in about an hour and the cramps were so bad I couldn't move and being that I have a muscle condition that causes chronic pain daily I have a VERY high pain tolerance but I could not take this pain anymore. When I first got it doc said I was super lucky my period was pretty light and had like no cramping. He told me my body had developed an allergy to the copper. So if you get one just be prepared for these side effects as they can happen years after insertion. I am on ortho-tri-cyclen now which has regulated my period again and didn't make me sick like it did when I was first on BC. If you have any questions feel free to email me :)