Birthday Cake - Ashland,MA

Updated on November 05, 2012
P.C. asks from Ashland, MA
9 answers

We are having a birthday party next week and would like to find a close and economical place to order a birthday cake (train or car shape) for my 2 year old son

I live in Ashland.

If someone has any recommendations, please let me know!


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answers from Boston on

I agree with the others!!!! Shaws cakes are YUMMY!!!
Bj's is good. I bet Market Basket would be the cheepest.

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answers from Boston on

Have u tried kforkakes in Ashland. I ordered Nijago cake for my 8 yr old and it was awesome. Kids love it. I know the owner through my friend and she is very creative. Have fun!



answers from Boston on

bj's has reasonable can choose from decoration book no extra charge.



answers from Boston on

If you want one in a fancy shape, try Bakery on the Common in Natick. Not the cheapest thing ever, but not outrageous, and really tasty. Have fun!



answers from Boston on

Try Shaw's in Ashland. I've gotten cakes from them before and they were very good and reasonable in price. I don't think they do different shapes but definitely have a whole book of designs the put on it for you.



answers from Boston on

Have you tried local grocery stores? A family member of ours always get their cakes at BJ's or Costco and they always turn out well! Enjoy the birthday party!



answers from Boston on

Market Basket does great cakes for a very reasonable price. But if you'd like to do a custom cake, Terri Beaton, who owns Little Folk Farm preschool, also does wonderful cakes. She did a great one for my daughter's birthday, you can call her at ###-###-#### and tell her Cece sent you!

Good luck!



answers from Boston on

This year we got a cupcake cake from Walmart. It was a little crazy with the icing, but the cake was tasty, and they do a gajillion different designs.


answers from Boston on

I agree about the big grocery or warehouse stores if you want a design. If you really want a shape, go to a craft store like AC Moore or Michael's, and buy the shaped pan yourself, then make your own cake. Also, I used to have a Betty Crocker or Better Homes book that showed how to make your own cakes and creating shapes - your library might have it. You can do things like cut a large sheet cake into different sized blocks, then use donuts to create tires, and use candies for the details. Depends on whether you want to put in the time, but it's an alternative.

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