Birthday Party in May or June...Actual Birthday in July

Updated on May 08, 2012
H.B. asks from Fort Worth, TX
24 answers

My daughter LOVES the zoo and would go there everday if allowed. For the last couple years she has been asking me to have her birthday party at the zoo. I have always refused because 1) I didn't think it was necessary to have such a large party at such a young age and 2) her birthday is in gets too hot in Texas in July to be out like that all day much less ask her friends to be out. So my hubby and I were just talking about how much fun she had this year at her indoor pool party and what we were going to do next year. So I suggested we have it at the zoo but have it before it gets in May or June. I thought it was pure genus but my husband didn't. Hmph.

So my question is, would you think it strange to have a party one to two months early for comforts sake?

And let me add that I am NOT looking for opinions on whether you think I should "just have it at home with a friend or two" or that sort of POV. We like having big birthday blowouts and its not up for debate with me.


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So What Happened? I've decided! We are going to just do it. I talked to my DD (she will be 7 next year) and she thinks it a great idea, especially since she will be able to invite all her school friends. Also we wouldn't make her share her bday party with her little sis (who will be 3 next year) whos birthday is one week after hers in July. We'll just do something smallish for hers since she is still so young.

Thanks for all your advice!

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answers from Dallas on

I'm a summer baby, and I grew up in Texas. When I wanted my birthday at a local farm and petting zoo, my parents had it in the beginning of May!! No one seemed to think it was weird, and I certainly didn't care when the party was. On my actual birthday my mom made me whatever I wanted and we made a cake. I don't see what the problem is. It's brutal in July. I say go for it!!

If I remember parents added a little note as to why my party was early. Something along the lines of trying to beat the summer heat.

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answers from Kansas City on

I think that is great!! I have a cousin that does this. Sometimes you have to do what is best for the family and for comfort too!! Have fun!

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answers from Houston on

I agree with you, May do the zoo thing, then on her actual b-day you can do a little cake at home and go to the movies as a family or something. Honestly, if we were invited to a zoo party in the summer, I would politely decline.

I do birthday parties (balloons, face painting...) and it amazes me that people have outdoor parties in the heat in the middle of the day in 100+ degree Texas weather. I've actually turned several down lately b/c I'm not in the mood to sweat to death!

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answers from Seattle on

My son's birthday is Sept. 1. For the past 3 or 4 years we have had his birthday party the second weekend of August. Up here in the northwest you are not guaranteed good weather for any month....but August is your best bet, so that's why I do that. I don't see the problem in doing her birthday party a month or two early and then maybe doing a special dinner and cake on her actual birthday. That's what we do!

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answers from Austin on

Our daughter and my birthday are in July and yes.. it is too hot for a Zoo party in July.. The other thing is that once your child starts school, yyou will realize so many people are gone for the summer, so you do not have many people attend in July..

We have held our daughters parties at different times. Sometimes in late spring and sometimes when school started.. . And then on her actual birthday just do a nice dinner and a cake.. She loved it..

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answers from New York on

Not at all - my youngest's b-day is Nov 25th & she never gets much of a turn out w/her party so last year we had it a month early and did a fun festival fundraiser for our animal shelter in our town and we had close to 30 children there. We plan on doing the same thing this year, only for a different charity. You have to do what works for you sometimes :)

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answers from San Francisco on

If your daughter likes the idea, then go for it.

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answers from New York on

Why not, IMO. I have 2 daughters, one's bday is Jul 26 one's is Sept 28. We are having a joint bday party for them Aug 19. Because money is tight and even just having the party at our house, it costs money. We did a celebration for our July daughter on her actual day, just us, and she got all of her family bday presents (GPs, us, etc). The other will get the same on her actual day. They understand the August party is their "kid party".

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answers from Clarksville on

I don't see anything wrong with it, if you explain why you are doing it earlier. bet the heat we are celebrating daughter's birthday (date of party). That way people will understand why you are doing it so earlier. Most times you see a party celebrated two weeks before/ after an actual birthday.

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answers from Portland on

I think you have a great idea! After all, the birth date is just a date. People often celebrate on a different date.

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answers from Los Angeles on

Have the big birthday bash at the zoo early. Your daughter will be thrilled and won't care at all that it's not her actual birthday. Go all out and make her feel special. Kids with summer birthdays often have their parties at other times anyway because of vacations.

On her actual birthday, do something special, but low key to mark the day. If she's old enough, have a couple of close friends over for pizza and a sleepover. Otherwise, just let her pick her favorite restaurant and have cake, ice cream and lots of presents. :D

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answers from Los Angeles on

Sounds like a genius idea to me! As a parent I would love it that you were thinking ahead and worrying about my childs comfort level...I hate being too hot, its just miserable and can suck the fun out of anything!

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answers from Houston on

There are really no rules when it come to birthdays in my opinion. If she is old enough to understand that her party is being held early, then I think it is just fine. Then on the day, you could do a little cake and maybe a go to a movie, there are so many cute ones out in the summer usually. You can still do a mini celebrate the day but blow it out at the zoo earlier. If your hubby isn't comfortable though, then it could be a no-go, bc as I said, there are no rules only what you guys are comfy with. My only concern would be that my child really understood what was going on, so I think the child would have to be 7 or 8 and then it would depend on the child. Good luck!

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answers from Dallas on

We did a 1/2 birthday for my 10 year old for the opposite reason. It was 20 degrees when she wanted a carnival party. We did it in June instead. It was great! We did have family that thought it was weird but I didn't care. I am living through this heat and drought with you so I would totally appreciate a trip to the zoo before it gets hot! Go for it!

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answers from San Francisco on

I think you could do a small party for her friends on her actually birthday or during her birthday month and if you want to do the zoo, go in may/june and celebrate there her birthday as a family. GL


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answers from Oklahoma City on

My BFF has a daughter with a June 28th birthday and she always has hers before school lets out for Summer. That way she can celebrate the fun with he school friends. Her son is in December right before Christmas so his is always celebrated in January.

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answers from Seattle on

My son's bday is ALSO in July.

When he's a teen, it'll be great. CURRENTLY: Families get together/ have personal time over 4th of July weekend, and half his friends are on vacation. We have a family party on his actual bday, and then his friends party in August or September. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to have a party.


answers from Dover on

I think it is ok to have a PARTY (not a birthday party) at the zoo now if you were going to have a small birthday party when her birthday actually comes. I am not in favor of celebrating a birthday a month or two early.

Many zoos will do a traveling zoo party, you could maybe have them come to you when it is closer to her birthday.

My family (immediate and extended) NEVER celebrates more than a week or two from birthdays.



answers from Dallas on

We started half birthdays when my daughter was six months not because it was hot or anything but because it is fun to do. At six months old, I cut a cupcake in half and put half a candle on it. We sang and blew out the candle for her. We took photos of course. My husband and I laughed and thought it was so cute and then hubby and I shared the cupcake together since my daughter was too young to eat it just yet. We decided to make it a yearly family tradition after the six month celebration just because we enjoyed it so much.

At one and half, I put one full candle and half of another in a cupcake. We did the same as the six month half party but my daughter ate the cupcake this time. At two and a half, I got two mini cupcakes and put a candle in each cupcake and a half of one in one of them. At three and four just had one cupcake and put the candles in it.

My daughter is 5 now and every year she looks forward to her half birthday almost as much as her real birthday. We do not do presents and only invite maybe two friends over and they just play. We only do cupcakes and ice cream. At her four and half, I bought some Tangled party favors at the dollar store (Dollar Tree) and she loved that!

Maybe you can go to the zoo in the Fall like Sept when it is cooler and just call it a half birthday? I know January is really her half year mark but January would probably be too cold.



answers from Dallas on

Hello, have you tried out this new birthday party company called The Royal Party Room?
They bring beautiful parties to whatever location you choose.
They also have different themes. The reviews are great too on parents connect.
The website is



answers from Dallas on

I had my daughters birthday party 3 weeks late, and no one said anything about it so I think you can have it in June. May could be a little bit of a stretch.

I think you could have an early morning party. Have it from 8:00-10:00 at the zoo before it gets crazy hot. I'm not sure about the Fort Worth zoo, but at the Dallas zoo, there is a part where kids can wear swimsuits and play in water. We always go and look at animals first, and then play in the water.

Its hot, but not unbearably hot and ok if you drink alot of water and stand in the misters when you need to.



answers from Houston on

I have a friend who's daughter has a July BD. Near the end of school she sends a BD invitation to all her classmates for a July party. In the letter she asks the parents for the address/phone no./e-mail (whichever you prefer) to send the reminder about the party. Usually a handful or so attend, which probably would have attended if the party was earlier in the year.
By the way with it being July, it is a water themed party, with a sleepover just for the girls that night.



answers from Dallas on

I think every once in a while, it's fine to do the party what you are describing...she LOVES the zoo and wants to have a party there, then do it in May or June before it gets too hot, and just put on the invitation "Mary's EARLY birthday party" and explain that b/c of the heat you are choosing to do this one early. I don't think you should do that every year, but every once in a while...



answers from Dallas on

I have a July birthday child. We have had what we call half birthday parties and host the party in December because it is so darn hot in Texas. the zoo might be nice in decemebr!

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