These things costs money.
It is also marketing to the parents.
A child can learn anything. BUT it takes the parent(s), to do it WITH the child. Parenting.
As long as a child is taught in child appropriate and age appropriate ways, a child can learn anything.
For example, my kids are 6 and 9. My Husband is teaching them Computer Programming. And they get it. They love it. They think its FUN. My Husband teaches them in child friendly ways. And we teach them a lot of things, that are per our kids cues and per how we know them.
We even taught them how to make stop-action movies and how to load it onto the computer and edit it and "make" their movie. Even my 6 year old son, who was almost 5 at the time, could learn it.
A parent, can teach their child, anything you think is fun or interesting. Kids learn by play and making something fun.
As far as "getting ahead"... do you mean academically or personally?
Per their character... or per the competing with other kids academically???
It also has to do with... knowing your child and nurturing THEIR interests... and their abilities or talents. Because, that is what will be enjoyable. And learning needs to be enjoyable. Not forced.
How fancy or expensive a kid's "training" program is, does not make it, successful or not.
But a child can learn skills which enhances their NATURAL abilities.
Learning is not absolute or finite.