i used a very conservative physician in my area, and he didn't want me lifting my then 12 month old daughter for 3 weeks AT ALL. it is not just about pain or splitting your stitching, your muscles have been repositioned, in addition to other "trauma" to the area - it is best to listen to your doctor's recommendations and not attempt to "recover" too quickly. i am almost 4 months post surgery and absolutely back to normal.
to clairfy some of the misinformation given:
1. you CAN breastfeed after implants(though it's not an issue in your case!)
2. my nipples weren't touched, so i'm not sure why people think your nipples are "repositioned" - even with the nipple incision, it's not like they removed your nipple and move it around - the incision is just below the nipple b/n the areola and the regular skin to hide the scar
for me, personally, i didn't have any pain at all in my breasts post surgery, but i had HORRIBLE back/shoulder pain for a few days as my body got used to the weight i guess. i was originally a DD by nature, after i weaned my third and last child, i was a large B, small C - i was fine with the size, but was a bit saggy - the surgeon said it would be more aesthetically pleasing to do implants with no lift(the sagging was minimal and a more full breast easily resolved it) than a lift to stay with the smaller breasts.
be sure to research research research your doctor. you want one that is board certified, no strikes with your state medical board, only uses board certified anesthesiologists, will put you in a vertical position to check the placement of your implants while you are still in surgery and before he closes you up, and only operates in a joint commission accredited medical facility(and most importantly NOT in his office!!!!).
good luck! if you guys live near each other, i'd rec the one of you with the 2yo go first, while the other one helps out during recovery, then wait about 3 or 4 months, and switch.