I think I may be repeating some of your other advice but here goes.
Early on, it is better to nurse instead of pumping. And don't supplement unless your pediatrician tells you that you have to because he's not gaining weight. Nursing exclusively will do the best job of establishing your supply for the long term.
And your son won't have a schedule yet. My son didn't settle into a nursing schedule until about a month or maybe even 6 weeks. Feed him when he's hungry, and if he wants to sleep 5 hours at night, be thankful! As long as he's having wet and dirty diapers, he's fine.
Also, please don't correlate the lack of a full feeling as a lack of milk. That feeling naturally goes away over time. When you get to that point, don't think that because you don't feel full, you don't have enough milk. That's not true, it's just that your body has become better at regulating your supply.
Also, keep these classic growth spurt times in mind because your baby will naturally increase his feeding during these times: 7-10 days (yes you'rre in one now), 2-3 weeks, 4-6 weeks, 3 months, 4 months, 6 months, and 9 months. During all of these times, your baby is likely to want to eat constantly and that is totally normal. It does NOT mean that you don't have a good supply! For more info, check out the Kellymom site, which I use as my resource for all things related to breastfeeding (www.kellymom.com). The specific page about growth spurts is here: http://www.kellymom.com/bf/normal/growth-spurt.html
Finally, - find a le leche league meeting. Don't be intimidated - I was because I was afraid the members might be pushy or judgemental about breastfeeding/not breastfeeding, but it wasn't that way at all. When I finally went to at meeting, I was so glad I did.
Good luck and feel free to ask more questions! You are doing a great thing for your baby but it doesn't always come naturally. I've got a support network of breastfeeding mommas now, and I ask questions constantly. If you don't have a breastfeeding support network physically around you, keep posting to mamapedia or find an online support group for breastfeeding.