There is a great group here in colorado called ICAN- the International Cesarean Awareness Network.
We get together once a month and talk about birth and kids and everything else. It's a great group of women and birth fanatics who want to support everyone in their birth choices and it's a great place to meet other women who have gone through c-sections are are processing the whole experience just like you are.
Our next meeting is tomorroow night- Feb 6th and I am actually doing a class on infant massage.
It will start at 6:30 at the Highlands United Methodist Church at 3131 Osceola Street in Denver. We aren't affiliated with the church- they just let us have meetings there for free.
You can also visit the website at www.icanofcolorado.org or the national site at www.ican-online.org
And feel free to contact me if you have questions or concerns.