S., We need to go for some coffee and have a talk.
Of course he doesn't want you to leave him... LOL
He has a maid and a built in babysitter!
Girl, think of the worst thing that can happen and image it.
There... see is it that bad?
You know, he should be at your beck and call... as you are doing EVERYTHING for him and then some... so why should he do anything???
You are enabling him to continue his laziness and neglect of his children.
What is he going to do without you? That is HIS problem he is an adult and with 5 children he needs to find out what he is going to do.
I know you care about the children, it is in our blood per say but sweetie... you are being taken advantage of in more ways than one.
He isn't' even respecting you... He is ALL talk.. otherwise he would be able to DO something for himself.
He needs to hire a nanny...
Ask yourself, what am I getting out of this relationship?
S., a relationship is valued by 2 people not just one.
What did he do before you came along???
I mean with 5 children.. he needs to get his act together not later right now!
He is sucking the life right out of you and therefore you won't have the energy to tend to your own as you have 5 extra...
Just don't show up... They always say, actions speaks louder than words... tell him again about breaking it off... if you get the song and dance tell him to save it. You want more out of life... after all if you are already a single parent to your 3... and life is hard enough... why in the world would you behave like you are the single parent of 8????
S., just don't answer his calls, don't go over BE BUSY!!!!
don't answer the door, he will get it although he is desperate so things may get ugly before they get better... be prepared... think of the worst that can happen and then it won't be a big deal.
He is emotionally draining you... Let him deal with his life.. after all he has made it what it is.
IF he has addictions... those are skeletons in his closet. Bathing the girls and taking care of 2 households is for the birds!
I would drop that man like a hot potato!
YOu DESERVE better S., don't you think?
Don't you deserve someone that will "HELP" you maintain a relationship and a household, how can you respect a man who can't even take care of his own family.. he surely can't take care of yours.
There is better out there. I know... I got blessed a second time. I am a SAHM who works PT, I homeschool my DD but my DH will come home and cook if need be, do whatever it is that is needed to keep the house going. I am sharing this with you that although these things are primarily my responsibilities he does help... when and if needed after working all day.
S., please, for you own good and the good of YOUR children... remember that actions speaks louder than words.
Have you considered going to counseling? I say this as he is emotionally abusing you... he is manipulating you to do what he wants... you are giving him control each and every time you listen and stay...
Staying for what?????
if you want to talk more about this email me.
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.