I was nursing my first when I got pregnant with our second. Nursing is not birth control. Your period is back, it is regular - start trying.
My son is 18 mths and Im trying for #2--- I nurse 3 times a day--- will this prevent pregnancy??
Ive been told I wont get pregnant while nursing and I wonder if thats really true.
I have gotten my period--- 4 months after my son was born and Im very regular. Ive been off the mini pill for 2 or 3 months now.
Any info would be great!
Does it take longer????
I was nursing my first when I got pregnant with our second. Nursing is not birth control. Your period is back, it is regular - start trying.
I got pregnant while nursing-my dd was 5 months old when I unknowingly got pregnant-it can happen. L.
As the others said YES. Just wanted to add that it does not matter if your period has appeared or not, you could still conceive!
YES! Absolutely you CAN get pregnant while nursing, 2 of my friends just did! Good luck
Yes, you can, as I learned the hard way and l know 2 other woman who also got pregnant while breastfeeding. And when I told my ob/gyn that I didn't think I could get pregnant while breastfeeding, she just laughed and laughed. However, I think it is unusual and biologically speaking I think the body does block it in some way, and although I would never tell another mother to stop breastfeeding before she is ready, if you are seriously trying, you may want to stop to increase your chances. Good luck to you!
YES you can get pregnant while nursing!
I did!
If you are trying to conceive... go according to your body's ovulation symptoms.
all the best,
Nursing every few hours day and night is ~98% effective. After that, take your chances...I did, and got prego after just one period at 7 months, nursing 3-4 times/day.
Yes, you can get pregnant while nursing. That is how I surprised my mom, born thirteen months after my sister. My good friend also has two kids exactly thirteen months apart.
Nursing as prevention for pregnancy is just an old wives tale.
Your second pregnancy will come when the time is right. Don't stress or worry about it and it will be fine.
Good Luck.