My children are vaccine free. You can contact the state health department and turn in a request for a vaccine exemption form. They are very picky now and it is harder to do the exemption than before. They are tracking every one of the them. When you get the form back you just check the vaccinations that are missing, get it notorized, and turn it in to the school. With the exemption they can't say anything about the missing vaccines. You will have to repeat this every year. As he has more vaccinations completed you simply check less boxes. If you plan on him getting all the immunization shots eventually then the school may have another paperwork method that they want you to do instead of the exemption. Then okay, whatever. I would want to get the shots at my own pace and not be dictated to about how close together they are and I think the exemption gives the most freedom in that. I honestly feel that the shots are too many too close together and they batch the vaccinations together to much. Anyway good luck.
God Bless