I would just pull him. This has happened to my children before. It was so bad that I had to leave work to go pick my son up because he was hysterical, and at 15 months I knew there was something very wrong by his actions. I am not saying that all In Home day cares are bad, but with the times we are living in you cannot be too careful. I pulled both of my children found someone else right away, and she was very good. She kept them for 2 years and recently decided that she was going to go back to work full time. I then placed them in a Preschool/ Daycare. They went for 2 months, and I pulled them out of there too. I now only work part time nights so I can be home with them during the day. It is much easier on them, and on me as a mother. I don't in any way think you are being overprotective. These are our children, and we are supposed to protect them. If he is not happy regardless or the reason, he should not be there.