hi V., calm down sweetie! my goodness, you sound so stressed. my daughter goes to a preschool called seedlings. we live in cedar lake and actually the pre-school that she goes to is located in side the school that she will go to starting kindergarden and elementry school. she went this past yr and will go again in the fall.
that is great that she knows all of that stuff already. i would recommend looking for a pre-school that offers structure, learning w/play, maybe try to find one that is inside of the school that she will go to for elementry school. or if you go to church, your church might have a program. if not, you just have to feel comfortable when going and looking at the school. you want your child to be comfortable when she is not around you. i think any pre-school will more than likely meet the same requirements as far as learning standards go, i might like state mandated. i know most want the child to be potty-trained, which i am sure she is. the school that my daughter goes to his about $95 a month. alot of money huh? just for pre-school. last yr it was $85 a month, and now it went up. this yr in the fall she will go 3 days a week. we think of it as a good investment and i was going to shop around for a cheaper school but right now where she goes we like it for the fact that it is about 7 min. from our house, she has been there before and made friends, and she will go to that school till 5th grade. plus if she needs a ride from a family member for any reason, they don't have to drive all of the way out of their way to get her.
good luck! i hope my advice helps! if you have any questions fell free to contact me!