All the doctors in that office are great! We see Dr. Day and have for 7 years now. I've seen each of the other doctors and liked them all. As you can tell, there are a few strong opinions about Dr. Day and Dr. Torrie. The real scoop is that most (not all) of the time, Dr. Day's patient's don't care for Dr. Torrie and Dr. Torrie's patients don't care for Dr. Day (speaking more the Mom doesn't...the kids don't care). This is not a reflection on either doctor as far as ability to care for the patients. It is just that Dr. Day and Dr. Torrie have completely different bedside manners, so if you prefer one's, then the other is quite different. But they both put the patient first and care about the kids. Hope that helps! I would highly recommend their office and any doctor. Dr. Goff's personality is somewhere in the middle, so EVERYONE likes him! His wife is nice too.