I would be very very sure the crib is too far from the outlet for her little fingers to find an outlet cover and pry it off. I have seen more than one young child find a way to peel them out of the outlets when adults have trouble. You can buy a solid outlet cover at Wal-Mart; you take the plate off and put it on, so it totally covers the outlets you aren't using. Because the cover is screwed on, having the little plastic outlet covers that you stick into the unused outlet won't be a worry. They are very cheap compared to your comfort level !!
Crib bumpers are a soft cushion, but nothing more. As long as the crib slats are close enough together that she can't stick her head through and get caught, then she'll be fine without one. It will also allow more air into the crib, so she'll get more oxygen. You'll get lots of advice here, I'm sure, but the reality is that we experiment a whole lot as moms. Try it without, if everything seems fine, it is. What's the worst that could happen? That she roll over and bonk her head a little ?
When my mom was young, she was a public health nurse in Boston and worked what she calls "the district". People were so poor it was nothing for her to nurse rat bites in babies and children. ugly stuff. But what she told me about parenting, is that when she worked with her clients, she told them not to go out and buy baby stuff. Empty a dresser drawer and put a mat in it for the baby to use. It would work fine as a crib for an infant. That image has stuck with me, and when I question myself, I question safety and intelligence -- it doesn't take the best looking or most expensive nursery to raise a child. It takes love and common sense. It sounds like you have both, and I know what you work out will work for both you and your daughter. :-)