Not knowing what time you put them to bed makes it tough to give great advice but I bet he is jealous of the time you spend with his sister after he has gone to bed. He's not asleep yet and can hear all the sweet happy sounds of you feeding her and rocking her and singing to her,, and it makes him want to be there too. I'd suggest you have daddy read a couple books and play a quiet game or two with him, while you feed, bathe and put his sister to bed FIRST. Then you can take a now relaxed little boy and spend those precious few minutes with him and show him how important he is to you. Then as he drifts off to sleep the house is quiet and he knows he saw you last, and nothing so great or exciting is going on so he isn't missing much. (think of all the great and exciting things you and daddy can do now that both kids are fast asleep) (o: