I completely understand what you are talking about!
We pay $155/month for 4 days a week 2.5 hours a day and we have had:
A Trike-A-Thon
A Silent Auction
A Bake Sale
Selling of (very expensive, plastic no less) sports cups $20 for 4 cups?
2 Picture Days
Wrapping paper Sale
Sensey(sp?) Sale-The smelly melting candle stuff
Cookie dough Sale
Pastry Sale
And 4 days when we have been asked to donate food to the *church for one thing or another...
And we are not even done with the school year yet?
*We go to a church run pre-school but do not attend the church, it's just in our neighborhood and really cute and the staff and location can not be beat! Of course, this is all 'voluntary' but still? They ask us repeatedly about each fundraiser...and it's hard NOT to contribute, ya know?
We are responsible for snacks 3 times during the school year but when it is our 'turn' we are responsible for the WHOLE WEEK (so that is 12 snack days for 15 kids) and we HAVE to provide 2 different varieties of snacks + a drink + napkins + plates each time, which can really add up!
We also have a 'party' of some kind every month, it seems, and we are responsible for bringing something. We also go on 6 field trips a year, which we have to pay for of course.
Our 'school supply list' was a whole page long and cost me $70, which included everything you could ever think of...napkins AND paper towels, baby wipes, 10 dry erase markers in very specific colors, paints (that were $10 all by themselves and EVERY kid had to buy the specific box they wanted), markers, crayons, colored pencils, glue AND glue sticks and guinea pig food and bedding---and our class doesn't even have the guinea pig?! They were just so darn specific about what exactly it was that they wanted (and DIDN'T want), it was more than a little picky.
Last year we all were asked to donate as much as we could so the school could get a new outside toy structure...which set us back a good amount, we were then asked to donate a second time because we hadn't raised enough for the one they wanted.
~I understand the need for all this stuff and I really don't have *that* much of a problem with it all but I must admit there are some weeks when I think to myself that they are bleeding us dry :)