As others stated, she is in violation in several ways for the state/county rules.
If she is unlicensed, she can only care for children form one family un-related to her.
Once licesned she can likely only have a license that allows for a total of 8 children, 6 of which can be under school age and of that 6, 3 can be under 24 mos, and of that 3, only 2 can be under 12 mos. Confusing, I know, but that is the breakdown. She could get licensed for 10, with 8 under school age and the same under 24 mos breakdown if she qualified with a college education or other specific childcare background as determined by the state/county guidelines at the time of licensing.
A seperate space for infants to sleep in not required (a seperate room), but appropriate spaces (approved, safe cribs or pack N plays for those under 12 mos, sleeping bags, mats, cots, etc for those older, etc...there are regulations and guidelines in place...this is part of what licensing is for.
Honestly I would not recommend anyone send their infant or very young child to an unlicensed care giver (other than a trusted relative). We as licensed providers have rules and regulations that govern our home based businesses...and a professional and conscientious provider will adhere to those regulations and provide a safe and enriching environment for your child to be in while you are attending to your work/school obligations that pull you away from your child.
They should have a contract and policies well written so you know what things are costing and you are both on the same page and expectations on the business side of things (hours and payment, illness policies and time off, etc...forms and permission slips and all of the things required by the county as well)....
If you need some resources for locating childcare, check these places out online. Both are free MN resources for parents to access LICENSED providers and give options to search by city names or zip codes.
(right side of the screen asks if you are searching for childcare)
(left side of the screen asks if you "need childcare in MN?")
Good luck!