I don't care what job it is, no person should treat another person with disrespect, even if they are wrong. I personally would be angry as well, but I would definitely confront her. You need the job right now, but you don't have to succomb to this type of behavior just because this is your bread. I think it's because she is in her position and others don't want to do anything why she can get away with it. I would send her a tactful note something along the line of this "Ms Boss, I am sorry for making the mistake that I did and I do apologize, however, I do not like to be treated with disrespect and I felt how you responded to the situation was not in good taste. Please let us discuss this in private and see how I might be able to fix the problem this has caused"
There is NOTHING wrong in confronting another person about what they did wrong, and how it made you feel, it is how you do it, and whether it is worth the fight based on the person you are dealing with. She might actually be feeling bad herself for acting that way and have too much pride as VP to come back and apologize to you. Being a woman in that position, I would assume she is under the gun and have a lot of pressure on her. Who knows, she might actually be on PMS too. She might appreciate you stepping up to her and discussing in a civil adult manner (unlike her), without you feeling threatened by losing your job.
You want the money, but does that mean anyone should treat you like that..in my opinion, it is not worth it, and believe me I have had to put up with a whole lot of stuff from my difficult boss as well, had to confront him many times and I am still employed.