Do You Ever Get the Urge to Clean Your House....

Updated on August 14, 2012
J.W. asks from Saint Louis, MO
22 answers

When you are at work?

Every now and then when I am sitting here I am hit with this irresistible urge to clean my house! Like I just need to be cleaning!!! About half the time I clear my desk and leave. About a quarter of the time I get home and some troll is going nuts here and I don't get anything done anyway....:p

So how about you guys?

Yup, bored at work again and I have been told a post of nothing but ahahahahhahahhahahaha is immature. :p

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So What Happened?

Kitty, oh yeah! Hoarders will do it to me. Right now it is Molly's question on lake v cleaning the basement.

Amanda, not in the least. :)

Jackie, when I was a stay at home my ex would come home to freshly painted walls, once a year, cause I get bored fast! One time I rearranged the cabinets in the kitchen cause I didn't think it flowed properly......By rearrange I mean physically removed the cabinets so that the fridge and desk were swapped. Couldn't open that stupid door the way the builder had it!! You would think the guy would never leave for fear I would knock out a wall and add on.....

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answers from Biloxi on

I am so freaking organized and neat at work - and I work from 3 offices, that when people see my home they they are amazed - amazed by the clutter and dis-order that is my home. LOL

I just can't seem to pull it together at home.

Maybe because no-one pays me to keep my house neat?

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answers from Grand Forks on

When I am bored at work I think of all the cleaning/organizing projects I could be doing at home, but the feeling passes by the time I get home.

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answers from Jacksonville on

I honestly thought it would be "Do you ever get the urge to clean your house..."

"in the nude?"

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Tells you where my mind is today...

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answers from Washington DC on

you are so weird!

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answers from Dallas on

Confession time. My hubby took the kids to his parents house for a late night fishing trip. They were spending the night and coming back sometime after noon on Saturday. This was the first time I was ALONE in my house overnight in six and half years! So what did I do with that time? It started out eating something for dinner that I wanted for a change and putting in a mindless chick flick as I drank a rum and coke. And as I looked around I kept spotting things that needed to be cleaned, scrubbed and organized. So with my night to myself, I stayed up until four in the morning deep cleaning, scrubbing, organizing and catching up on laundry. And I was so incredibly thrilled to get it done and to finish it without interruption! So the answer to your question is obviously YES!

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answers from Portland on

I do get that urge untill I actually get home. Then it usually goes away, lol!

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answers from Phoenix on

I RARELY have an urge to clean. However, when it strikes, I do try to hop on it and get it done. A viewing of HOARDERS will usually give me that urge. LOL! I work at home, so I guess I can't really comment on that part. =)

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answers from Chicago on

OMG yes! Sometimes its a frenzy to clean the "mess" that someohow only I see. It's not by any mean a compulsive action, it's like I get this burst of energy and my focus is to clean. I also get the urge to purge stuff at the same time. I hate clutter.

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answers from Lakeland on

ahahahahahhha hahahaha

I was like that all the time at work. It was usually that I could be re-painting, fixing something or doing yard work. And of course once I got home nothing got done.

Being a SAHM it is even worse I can see things I want to change or clean and since hubby works from home he would just annoy me with "you should do it this way" comments.

Added** My MIL and I love to rearrange the furniture and we find it amusing that it drives him nutty, my FIL was the same way. They do not like change but I just tell my hubby to deal with it.

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answers from Albany on

Actually, I'm home cleaning my house, with a distinct urge to bag it all and go back to work.

And yet I don't act on that urge. And neither do you act on your urge.

Funny how that works, huh?


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answers from Columbia on

In the evenings I get this incredible urge to work out. I plan my whole morning for the next day - go run, curls, sit ups, run stairs, push ups....

Sometimes I even do it the next morning....

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answers from Norfolk on

I never get that urge.
Not ever.
I've got to force myself to do it every time.

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answers from Philadelphia on

bullbunkle! A post of ahahahaha is immature only to the overly-matured audience=) and i say that most of us dont fit that mold

As soon as I read your title I had an urge to go home and clean. emmy has a stuffed animal fashion show I have yet to clean up or have her clean up in the living room. Also I have an urge to make the beds and then lay in them after=) or jump on them...did you know jumping on the bed without a little kid hogging all of the space is quite freeing? I can flyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

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answers from Austin on


Is that response immature?

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answers from Charlotte on

I read your SWH - OMG! You moved your cabinets? Holy cow!

I'll think about that all day, J.! I could no more move a cabinet than I could fly an airplane!

All I can say is "you go girl"!

And no, I guess I've never had the urge to clean my house while I was at work. Getting the urge is something I don't normally get - I just do it because it needs to be done...

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answers from Chicago on

Nope, I never had that urge....(I'm the anti-neatness freak...)

But I've more than often wished hubby would have that urge, and I would walk into a clean-smelling, neat, magazine-worthy home....

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answers from Detroit on

Clean the basment, touch up paint, PAiNT entire rooms, clean out the pantry, closets, garage. Plant the mums!!
Ahhhhh! All while juggling 3 little tonardos!

Maybe my house will be clean in 18 years? I hope so!

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answers from Los Angeles on

Goodness NO. In fact, I'm having a hard time consistently cleaning it on weekends. I used to do it religiously and just get it done. I can't even find the energy or desire to do what I failed to do last weekend (which was ALL of it!). And I'm a neatnik, so there ya go. Why does keeping up w/ cleaning your house get harder as you get older? Are you tired of it, or just realize that you're wasting valuable weekend time on repetitive actions?? ;)

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answers from Detroit on

Last week was DD's birthday and between the gifts she got from her party and from us, plus all the "art" that she produces, our house looked like a tornado had hit. I actually had to work the Sat and Sun but had yesterday off, and while I was at work on Sun, all I could think of us I couldn't wait to have the day off Monday so I would have a chance to clean it all up!

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answers from Sacramento on

Well first of all I dont have a job to get bored at (THANK YOU P&G for outsourcing my job!!!GRRRRR) second, INEVER get the urge to clean my house I hate cleaning!! J/K, alot of times when I am showering I do by best thinking and planning, thing is by the time I am done, dressed and ready for the day, all my great ideas fly right on by!! :)~

By the way hope you had a great weekend! Missed you on here there were a few doozies I imagined how you would answer!

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answers from Lansing on

I get the urge when I have so much to do and can't seem to keep up that once I get to work, I am like if only I can get the laundry out of the dryer and folded- or some other activity.

Hoarders sometimes has that affect on me. However, sometimes when watching it, I am just like whew, my house doesn't look like that (yet !) :)

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answers from Los Angeles on

Every morning before work I have the urge to clean my house. I'm up early and raring to go... looking around thinking at all I could accomplish if I could just stay home.

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