At my kids' school-- A classroom Teacher, MAY do this, for HER classroom/parents etc.
BUT... the directory only lists your information, IF YOU WANT TO. If you decline to be included in the directory, then you will not be listed.
This is per privacy etc. for you and your child.
But my kids' school, does NOT make nor publish a directory of ALL the kids/parents contact info of the entire school..
Again, this is per privacy.
I personally, opt out.
I, only give my info to parents/moms, that *I* want to.
At my, discretion.
OR, some classroom Teacher, have their own classroom website... in which they may put contact info for other parents/kids, IF they want to be listed there.
And in any event, a parent CAN simply, contact the Teacher, for any information they may need about the class etc. or simply call the Teacher.
There is no parent club, at my kids' school.
Personally, I find these directories a bit, invasive.
I see no reason why all the parents names and the child's full names and contact info. has to be given out, anyway.
It is privacy. And protecting one's privacy.
And NO way, should there be "addresses" and all that info, for everyone to have.
Talk about identity theft and weirdo parents/families having all your contact info? No way.
I do not believe, that parents should have access, to all this information.
If I want to contact a classmate's parent of my own child... I simply send a note to school with my child, in a sealed envelope... on which I write "For Billy's Mom, From: Johnny's Mom" and I put the Room Number/teacher's Name on it, and then have my child give it to the Teacher when he gets to school. Then the TEACHER of the class, gives it to the child in their mailbox in class. And then, the parent can contact me or per whatever I wrote on that note. For her.
I have never, had a problem contacting any parent.