I feel your pain. Taking clothes or diapers on or off cause crying in our guy, especially in the morning (getting up) or at night (going to bed).
Sometimes we play games or I sing songs to him or ask him about stuff that is going on. For example, if he went to story time at the library that day, I'll ask him about it, to get him thinking about something else. Or we play a game called "animal sounds" that goes like "What noise does an owl make?"; sometimes he says the answer or makes a difference noise, but if he doesn't then I do it. You can flip that one around to "what animal says ___?" and make an animal noise and then have him try to guess the animal that makes it. In the morning, I'll talk to him about his day, like "Pop-pop is coming today to see you and play with you" or "Jack is coming to play at the park. Do you want to go down the slide with him?"
If your kiddo hates having a sweater/sweatshirt pulled off, maybe something that zips would be faster?
It does get really old, but I try to remind myself that doing a diaper/clothes change is completely interrupting them, and I'd hate it if I were really in to something and had to stop and get changed... :)
Another mom I know has a basket of "special" toys that are only pulled out during changes. I haven't tried this yet, but I keep meaning to.