Dove Soap

Updated on April 18, 2008
S.P. asks from Swarthmore, PA
6 answers

Hi Mom's

I have heard many of you recommend using Dove for you little one's sensitive skin. My guys have very dry skin and my pediatrician also said go ahead and use dove. My question is, what type do you like? There are many different Dove products on the shelves from a simple bar, sensitive skin cream wash and others. What are your preferences????

Thanks so much for your input!

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answers from Philadelphia on

I would not use any products that are not meant for the kids. No matter what they say, it is too strong for the kids. I use for mine baby Johnson body wash. It is gentle and does not dry the skin. California Baby is also pretty mild. It can be found at Target. Try to stay away from the grown-up section for them.



answers from Philadelphia on

Just use the bar soap. All the other products have extra unnecessary (and potentially irritating) ingredients.



answers from Philadelphia on


You may want to try Cetaphil also...may be more gentle than Dove.



answers from Philadelphia on

My 8 month old also has very sensitive skin and I use the white bar of Dove soap for his baths and either Aveeno or Cetaphil lotion for his skin.



answers from Philadelphia on

I'm also from Delaware County, PA. S. the best way to start is with the sensitive skin soap. Because they have dry skin, it won't irritate and it will soften them up quickly. My oldest had bouts with excema when he was younger. We also used Eucerin soap and moisturizer for him. Aloe Dove is also nice to soothe dry skin.



answers from Philadelphia on

Our ped said just to use the regular unscented bar soap. Works great.

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