I would stop spanking him. I would hold to a routine (book, too!) and if he doesn't go straight to sleep, he can read a book or whatever. We found out that my DD needs a bath, even a short one, to sleep well.
What I would also do is get information on parenting the spirited child. I would work on him as a whole because I bet that bedtime is not the only time he has a fit.
He doesn't have to go to sleep the moment his head hits the pillow, but he needs to be quiet and he needs to stay in bed. What are his reasons for not going to bed? If 8:30 is too late, back it up to 8PM. Find out what time HE needs to start going to bed to get to sleep, even if it's way earlier than you ever expected.
You say it's almost like he wants a spanking - negative behavior is still a means to get attention. So I would find other ways to give him attention - before it gets like that. You have an infant and an older child. Is your middle son getting lost in the shuffle? Sometimes if we give DD attention upfront, she'll behave better in the day.