well, our son had surgery at seven months. i'd started to notice one of his eyes a couple months after birth. then my husband noticed. then our ped noticed and referred us to dr. stager. we did patching for a while (he HATED IT). but ultimately stager said surgery. we were very hesitant even though I HAD THE SAME SURGERY three different times when i was a baby and young child -- and dh's older brother did as well. i was upset about general anesthesia, so dr. stager gave us a phone number of a pediatric anesthesiologist to call and talk to. we thought for a while ... then decided to go through with the surgery.
everything went as smoothly as it could have. soren charmed the pants off all the nurses at the surgery center. he slept in the recovery room, wimpered a couple of times, puked just once, then slept for 4 hours at home, woke up and it was like nothing had ever happened. his eyes weren't even red and they were perfect.
NOW, dr. stager did note before the first surgery that there is a 50% chance of needing a follow-up. his horizontal problems were fixed, but now he has a bit of vertical issues. we are going to have to do that follow-up this summer. that's upsetting, but we did know it going in ... and that's exactly what happened with me, too.
i HATED the thought of doing surgery, especially since i was very into a midwife birth, no vax, delayed solids, using a chiro, etc., all that "alternative" stuff ... but he needed the surgery to ensure proper development of his vision. in the end i think we made the right decision, but it's hard ... and you'll be nervous the day of the surgery, but thankfully it's incredibly short and kids do so much better with surgery than adults.
btw, soren had esotropia ...