Mama, she's going through a nursing strike not weaning! Being distracted is totally normal at this age, so please don't stop nursing because of it. If you are not done, she's likely not done (babies under a year don't wean themselves) then get her back to the breast!
Its normal to feel bad... breastfeeding lets out your 'feel good' hormones. Once you stop, you drastically slow on those hormones, therefore the slump you are in.
honestly though, put her back to hte breast. She will come right back, and you will feel better, she will be getting breastmilk, and you will see in a week or two she will slow on her fidgeting while nursing. Get her a lovey or baby doll to hold while nursing, or wear a funky necklace that is long enough for her to reach while nursing. Having something to fidget with while nursing will keep her on the breast and occupied so she doesn't pull off and look away so often. But doing that is normal at 8/9mos old, so don't wean becuase of it. yo uare obviously not done ,and she still needs it, so bring her back to the breast!