I kept my son strictly on breastmilk and formula (except for "tasting", finger dip of this... crumb of that) until he was 1.
Then for the next year and a half we did the "explore the world through menus". Every ethnicity I could possibly think of; from DimSum to Curries, Costa Rican to Egyptian, Thai to American, Mediterranean to Russian. The only one I "forgot" was sashimi... and by the time I remembered it was too late (had to wait 3 more years, his "yuck response" had already hit before I remembered it... so we had to wait for his brain to stop classifying new flavors as posionous... which happened for him a year "late" at 6 instead of 5. And he still doesn't like the type of sushi I fed him at 2.5, though he will eat others).
We always did and still feed on demand. It's pretty amazing... because he eats the way nutritionists recommend we all do: 5-6 small meals a day. Prefers heavy on the proteins and veggies... but like any human... will inhale anything boiled in oil ;) Hey... even crickets boiled in oil aren't bad.