Follow up with the applications you have submitted. That will set you apart from everyone else. Make sure you have no spelling errors, punctuation, etc. make sure your resume is two pages and covers 4 bullet points for each job you have done over the last 10 years. Use the KISS method - Keep It Simple Silly - use ACTIVE words (verbs) to state what you did - please feel free to inbox me.
Don't let your not having a GED hold you back. Enroll in classes to get it. The state should be able to help you.
Take the stuff you aren't using at home - clothes, toys, etc. sell them on ebay - if you need instant cash - gather all the stuff and do a yard sale.
Craigslist is good too!!
Then go through all of your bills - see where you can cut - I'm sure you've already done this - but it never hurts to do it again.