When my daughter was 14 months she began sleeping in the toddler bed. We had to kick her out of the crib because her big huge 2 month old baby brother grew out of the bassinet! She did quite well but every night when we would go in to check on her she would be laying on the floor in front of the closed door. Sometimes we had to push the door quite hard to even be able to get in the room. I am notquite sure why she did that but she eventually stayed in bed.
My 2nd child, the aforementioned big huge boy, started climbing out of the crib at 16 months old. So we did away with the crib shortly there after as soon as he got used to the toddler bed. This was a baby who was scared of eeyore so it took him longer than my daughter to get used to it. When he was officially in it he would visit us at all hours of the night. He felt so free! Eventually I had to put a gate up. When he learned how to open the gate I put a door knob cover on his door. When he figured that out I put duct tape over the door knob cover. The duct taped door knob cover lasted the longest, but eventually he defeated that as well. But by then he was old enough to know to stay in bed and the novelty of it all wore off. In retrospect, I should have kept him in the crib!
Now my 3rd child who is 22 months old is still happily in the crib. He tries to climb out but he in much smaller than his brother was so he just can't reach far enough with his leg to get out. So there he stays until the inevitable happens. My husband wants him in the toddler bed already because he thinks he'd love it. I'm sure he would but I am the one that would be up all night directing the baby back into bed every hour, not my husband.
So my lesson learned is to keep them in the crib for as long as safely possible. My best to you!