Hi Jae,
It sounds like you could benefit from going back to the behavioral therapist for more advice, and while you are there, I would suggest that you ask if your son might benefit from a more comprehensive evaluation, if you have only had the speech evaluated and have treated the things you see, and not been to see a Developmental Pediatrician yet, then you may have many other issues that he may be trying to deal with (as a three year old with langauge issues) that you have yet to notice are giving him trouble. When you have a child who is already diaganosed with developmental issues, you always need to explore how the behvaior may be related to his frustration caused by his uneven development, and (speaking as a Mom of kids like yours) you need to be prepared to check into new issues that you may not yet be aware of.
Developmental issues effect more than just one area. Even a small langague delay will have impact on everything else he does. You cannot tease out what is what. You do need to find a way to dicipline him effectively, and you may need help to find it. One thing that worked for my children with delays was to tell them what to do instead of what to stop doing. They can process this much more easily, and when they are successful, the are more likely to want to repeat it. Success breeds success, so set him up for as much of that as you can.
It is absolutely normal for you to feel like you don't like your son right now. It does not mean that you do not love him, but you are in a situation that no one would like or enjoy and you are not only sad about his challenges, you don't know if you should blame yourself or the delays, and you are greiving for the child you hoped he would be, but feel guilty for even thinking that he is not turning out to be the child you expected. I have been there, and it is difficult, but you have to forgive yourself for how you feel so that you can be effective.
Know that it is not just you, you are experiencing the conundrum that we all go through when children have developmental issues that are on the high end of functioning. It is not like a developmental issue that is instantly recognizable or diagnosable with a genetic test, we must apply typical dicipline and instruction and have it fail for our childrens' issues to come into focus, and that implies that we did not do what we were supposed to do as parents. That is not true, you did, and you will keep doing it, but you have to know that it is OK that you will not see typical results. You will see results, just slower, and with more effort than you ever though would be necessary. You will also need help, so seek out as much therapy for him as you can get as early as you can get it.
Preschool is not a required element, and if I were you, I would be getting a full evaluation prior to putting him in a school based enviornment. Examine the program very carefully and find out what kind of program he needs from a professional who has evaluated him completely.